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The mediocre reputation of weight training

Strength training has an effect like few other healing methods when it comes to increasing the physical and mental quality of life. The dubious reputation comes from the fitness industry in general and the strength training community in particular; they outdo each other with pithy claims about promising end results. The industry implies with this approach that countable and visible results are the only reason for strength training.

Many of my long-term customers do not constantly get stronger, less fat or more flexible, and yet they go home feeling better after the workout. During the coaching process there must therefore be factors that are more important than just visible or measurable success.

Strength training works: It is only in recent years that science has been able to demonstrate in detail how versatile the positive effects of strength training are. They range from the well-known, strengthening effects on muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to improving cardiovascular function and therapeutic benefits in the treatment of mental illnesses. In my daily practice I sometimes observe a remarkable increase in the quality of life, which repeatedly amazes me.

“That is why, as a health coach, I am 100% convinced that strength training used wisely, correctly dosed and technically correctly applied is a drug that is more potent than almost any other remedy.”

Side effects such as joint or tendon injuries are usually only due to previous damage, over-motivated procedures or a lack of technical know-how. Nevertheless, the use of strength training is not nearly as widespread as the use of a drug with a comparable mode of action.

The undeserved reputation of strength training is therefore probably also due to unrealistic expectations of customers due to excessive claims and thus false expectations.

This does not correspond to my experience as a personal trainer, in which I have been successfully supporting over 200 customers for several years. That’s why I convince my customers from the start that of the three main motivators to do sport – health, appearance and performance – only health really has a meaningful effect in the long term. That is also the reason why I am Health Coach Bardo.

If you would like to find out how to integrate strength training into your everyday life in a targeted and health-oriented manner, I offer you my online courses in addition to my 1: 1 coaching in Düsseldorf:

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